The town of Berlin, later known as Old Berlin, was a town created by MajorPAIN40 in the summer of 2014, during the First Era. The town would be destroyed in a war shortly after its creation.
The town was small and simple, with a small city circle and some buildings around it.
The main building was the Jägerheinz Tower, a very high and thin skyscraper made of cobblestone. The flag of the First German Reich was displayed on top of the tower, which was made up of 3 gold blocks. The Berlin Tower was mainly used for apartments, with most of them being simple apartments, and the two last ones being penthouses.
The other main building was the town hall, which was roughly based on the Reichstag building. There were also two other buildings: a medium-sized wooden building that was planned to be a military place by Jdouble100 but was never completed, and a glass and quartz meeting center that would have served as a UN headquarters. The latter had an underground conference hall that was used as a meeting room.