MinecraftPlanetEarth Wiki

CaTheEldest, a strange man during Eras 9 and 10. On era 9, a player name Turin_Turambar_ invited him to play. He joined Turin's nation of "Kyiv". Later on, he successfully failed to make a nation named "Warsaw" (taking place in Poland.) He was good pals with people named "Bealulle" ".Stormseeker31" (I think that's her name.) He absolutely did not understand Slime Fun, but he got some stuff at least. He always made ponds for Bealulle. He usually acted drunk.



On era 10, he joined, and he made a nation by the name of "Kingdom of Israel" and was bordering a nation named "Kingdom of Judah." Turin took care of the Kingdom of Judah. after losing a war against fake Ukrainians. He decided to act sad, and quit, then play TF2 the whole time. He joined back and joined the Hetmanate of Ukraine, which was also founded by Turin. Ca felt like making the Kingdom of Bucharest, but then said, "I'm too cool for that." What he meant, was that he was freezing to death. He did some strange stuff with the man "CreepyWards" or also known as "Glow Berries." R3dskull was a bad dude to him. Ca has always hated him from the start. Ca just randomly started destroying stuff, so Turin and Glow Berries joined him. And they all quit, and the nation collapsed. THE END