The Cadmus Republic was a nation created by Rokiie, which at its height had more then 80 members and 25 active members. It was formally made on October 14th, 2020, but would not appear on the server until May 1st, 2021. The Cadmus Republic believes in sovereignty, social values, and economic competition. It also votes for members of the Supreme Court of Cadmus, which helps the Country make all its decisions and actions.
On 21 June, 2021, Cadmus would cease to exist as a nation, with the leadership choosing to merge with Impireachd Bhreatainn.
The Official Constitution of Cadmus[]
Section I, The Fundamental[]
Art. 1 - The Cadmus Empire, formed by the indissoluble union of States and Municipalities and Cadmus City, constitutes a Unique State of law and has as its fundamentals:
I - Sovereignty;
II - Citizenship;
III - The dignity of the human person;
IV - The social values of work and free enterprise;
V - Political pluralism. Sole paragraph - All power emanates from the people and the royalty, who exercise it through elected representatives or directly, under the terms of this Constitution.
Art. 2 - Powers of the Union, independent and harmonious with each other, the Legislative, the Executive, the Judiciary and the Monarchy.
Art. 3 - The Cadmus Empire's fundamental objectives are: I - build a free, just and solidary society;
II - Guarantee national development;
III - Eradicate poverty and marginalization and reduce social and regional inequalities;
IV - Promote the good of all, without prejudice as to origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination.
Art. 4 The Cadmus Empire is governed in its international relations by the following principles: I - national independence from other countries;
II - Prevalence of human rights;
III - Self-determination of peoples;
IV - Non-intervention;
V - Equality between States;
VI - Defense of peace;
VII - Peaceful resolution of conflicts;
VIII - Repudiation of terrorism and racism;
IX - Cooperation between peoples for the progress of humanity;
X - Granting of political asylum.
Sole paragraph - The Cadmus Empire will seek the economic, political, social and cultural integration of the peoples of our country, aiming at the formation of a community of nations.