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Chronology according to 7_17builderS[]

The Republic of Côte d'Ivoire has failed at establishing a trade system in the CU. 7_17builderS wanted to start a trade system with the CU but couldn't because of Havana's lack of communications with the Côte d'Ivoire government. Instead of planning communicating with 7_17builderS, Au4 decided to assassinate the president of the Côte d'Ivoire over and over. 7_17builderS set an outpost to protect him self (Au didn't want to hear any of this he kept killing me) He used the so called "Admin Explosives" (just TNT -_- dude we have a creeper farm and the Sahara to the north) where uncalled for and the Côte d'Ivoire is sorry for that. The airstrikes where to keep Au away from 7_17builderS. We believe all of this is because the CU failed to communicate with the Côte d'Ivoire. 7_17builderS says "The once beautiful CU has fallen i'm very disappointed with president Xcodenameagle because the president was willing to help the CU gov fix this" Au says "you screwed the CU now Screw off" Now the CU gov has deleted the CU. The WAWIB is has seen may towns fail but we saw hope in the CU. 7_17builderS says "Like I said But in a lot of the towns we saw unstable leaders and we will talk to there governments about this and away to fix this." This is what happens to nations we wanted to help fix this but now we hope Ecumenical_Empire doesn't fall.

Chronology acording to Au4[]

Wednesday, 8/20: Ivory Coastian Player 7_17builderS comes to Havana on routine global inspection(moderator). 7_17BuilderS attempts to kill Havana Mayor Au4 using airstrikes, but ensuing gunfight leaves 7_17builderS killed 5 times, and Au4 dead once. Threats are exchanged, with 7_17builderS saying "idc" to a direct threat to stay off cuba.

Thursday, 8/21: 7_17builderS returns to cuba with Pittsburgian Player AbsurdAJ. 7_17builderS is shot by Au4, AbsurdAJ leaves, to stay neutral. Harsh Threats again exchanged, Multiple Inquries into the purpose of the visit are posed by Au4, but the only response given by 7_17builderS is "Wait and See". Hostilities continue, cold war escalates.

Friday, 8/22: 7_17builderS claims an outpost in cuba, while blast mining the surface with tnt. His justification for this is "I need to protect myself from you[Au4]" Cuban Player robertlemon secceds from Havana to support 7_17builderS Tense diplomatic standoff ensues, no shots fired by either side.

Saturday, 8/23: Newfoundland and player GA1109 secced from the Carribean Union. Conflict in Cuba escalates into War:

Major Players in WWXII:

Carribean_Union Alliance: Au4 xCodeNameEagle JDVcrafter TheCarlagas

Ivory_Coast Alliance: 7_17builderS GA1109 Cdogger320

First Battle of Cuba: The 2 armies amass at the former point of 7_17builderS's blast mining in a Havana Claimed outpost. Multiple shots fired by both sides, casualties exceed 25. Multiple Bazooka Shots fired, putting much of the landscape on fire. Carribean Alliance begins construction of Field Fort I. <><><>Carribean Victory<><><>

Second Battle of Cuba: Carribean Field Fort I is almost finished... Multiple Air landings by Ivory Coast Soldiers reported, as Carribean Soldiers Attempt to clear the fort of invaders. Player 7_17builderS claims the island of Jamaica for Town Yamossoukro, no fort constructed. 7_17Builder Places Ghast spawners on a tree nearby to the Field Fort I, in an attempt to kill of the Carribean soldiers. The tree is felled, and 7_17builder Killed. Ivory Coast Soldiers begin destroying the surrounding countryside with tnt, creating huge blats holes. Although suffering heavy casualties, the Carribean Alliance drives the Ivory Coastians from Cuba. <><><>Carribean Victory<><><>

First Battle of Mali: The Carribean Army goes on an offensive, claiming an outpost north of Yamossoukro, in Mali. 7_17builderS recruits moderator Cdogger320 to aid in driving back the carribean army. Mongolia and TheCarlagas Join the Carribean Alliance to help defeat the Ivory Coast. Cdogger320 and 7_17builderS use admin weapons, such as harrier strikes to try exterminate the Carribean horde, but fail. A strong carribean base is established, and the Carribean Army's moral raises with victory near.

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After returning from a short hiatus, Lead Carribean Commanders Au4 and xCodeNameEagle are informed the war is over.

There were no disscussions, negotiations, or opinions stated by either commander in the cease-fire agreement. The Cuban Rebel robertlemon created fake dialogue to end the war with and Ivory Coast Victory.

Cuba was destryoed, with miles of land burning and/or blown up, forests/coasts destroyed, and hearts broken.

No compensation has yet been made by the Ivory Coast, as no Negotians have been made either, and they can't be made because the reset destroyed all and Au4 and 7_17BuilderS quit the server.