MinecraftPlanetEarth Wiki

GymSock17 is a veteran player of MineCraftPlanetEarth.

Player History[]

Beginnings and the 2nd Era[]

Gym joined the server in late March 2015. As it so happened, 8bitRobot was on at that time and he invited GymSock to the city of Bangkok. Gym was initially hesitant when he received the invite so quickly, fearing that it may be a scam to kill him to steal what little he had, but Gym decided if it was such a scam, he would simply leave the server and not come back. Gym accepted 8bit's /tphere request, and the beginning of Gym's journey on the server began.

When Gym arrived, he asked if Bangkok was truly located in its real-life location on a map of Earth. 8bit said it was indeed in such a location. He then gave Gymsock a respectable apartment in Bangkok's tallest skyscraper. After getting settled in, Gym decided he liked the town, so he stayed. He began his first construction project, which was the Brewery, which 8bitRobot commissioned after he found many brewing stands in Manila and needed a use for them. He then started on the city's metro and built a station under the National Library of Bangkok, which was then unfinished. Further projects included the tower for the Airport of Bangkok, a house for himself, and the Techloc Union World Headquarters.

Gym was socially active on the server. He was best known to give some supplies to new players to help them get off that ground and known to provide assistance to those in need. One example is when he gave dirt to New London to help them repair the city's grounds, which was bombed by SpideyBren2000.

He built himself a small store known as Gymmy's Double-Decked Tradin' Stand, and also claimed 2 outposts for Bangkok, one in Chicago and one in Darwin.

2015-05-18 16.37

GymSock17 at the Darwin Outpost

GymSock17 took up a fascination with Darwin. He founded an outpost in the middle of the abandoned town, building a small fort out of stone and in the remains of an abandoned building. Eventually his friends yellowrockerman and Agnet_Omega would settle down at the outpost. After The Great Towny Glitch of 2015, Gym's friends re-founded the town of Darwin for themselves, and with Gym assisting them, they began to rebuild and transform the city that was destroyed.

GymSock17's 2nd Era base was filled with artifacts from other cities and events from all across the server. Many of these items would never see sunlight again.

Some of these included:

  • The Crown of New Zealand: A gold helmet with powerful enchantments on it.
  • F1sh98's personal Great Federation flag.
  • Various political documents and signed books made by active and/or famous players of the server.

3rd Era[]

During the 3rd Era, Gym would found the town of Rhodes, on the Greek island of which it was named after near the coast of Anatolia. The town would also end up incorporating the island of Cyprus, Taurus in Anatolia, and would annex the town of Hispaniola after 8bitRobot became tired of being a mayor. Rhodes itself would become home to a small castle, and a lighthouse designed after the Colossus of Rhodes. The town disappeared with the rest of the server at the end of the 3rd Era.

2015-06-01 17.13

GymSock17 chill with his NPC Homies at his Solo Crib

5th Era[]

Upon hearing of the recent restart of the server, GymSock17 entered the server not long after the start of the 5th Era. He would go on to found the city of Alexandria, the first city in Africa during the Fifth Era. It was at this time, his friend from real life YellowVictini would join him. The town's first building was the Great Lighthouse of Alexandria, based upon the real lighthouse of the same name from ancient times. Gym himself would live in the lighthouse, while the other residents would live in large, modern-themed manors built by Yellow. With much assistance from Garrett, the Suez Canal was built nearby, allowing much faster travel through Africa between Europe and Asia. The company of YellowCorp was headquartered in Alexandria by YellowVictini, best known for producing the Crusader Tank vehicle. Upon the end of the 5th Era, Alexandria was the most prosperous city in Africa, and one of the largest agricultural centers on the server in terms of size and productivity.

6th Era[]

With the 6th, Gym went with a more isolationist approach. He settled the islands of Mauritius and Réunion, about 2,000 km east from Madagascar in the real world. The town Mauritius-Réunion was founded. The city was originally part of the Franco-British Union, in which Gym was the head armament maker. With the role of Head Man-At-Arms, Gym opened an arms manufactory called MR Industry, which primarily made hundreds of the FBU's standard rifle, the AK-47, as well as some other weapons. The main factory was partially under Mauritius and partially under the Ocean, with smokestacks rising out the water from the factory beneath. After the Franco-British Union was dissolved, Mauritius-Réunion would briefly join another nation based on the island of Madagascar, but the nation was dissolved soon after due to political reasons beyond the town. The town never joined another nation.

Mauritius and Réunion were connected by Gym via a minecart railway system beneath the ground and ocean, allowing quick transportation between the islands.

In the final days of the 6th Era, a group of new players founded a town on Reunion and built on the island, claiming they did not know it was under Gym's claimed sovereignty. However, the inexperienced players forgot to add funds to their town causing it to collapse. With the support of the nearby town of Rhine, which encompassed all of Madagascar, Réunion was seized while the new players were offline. This act almost started a war between Mauritius-Réunion alongside Madagascar against the benefactors of the new players. They argued via Discord messaging, with the players' benefactor arguing what Gym had acted in an illegal seizure of the new players' sovereign territory, claiming Réunion as his land did not mean he owned the island, "....despite it being in the town's name, guns make claims, not words."

Gym, still owning the MR Industry gun factory from the days of the FBU, replied; "Then rest assured, as I have a great, many of them." All the claims by the new players were soon abandoned at the threat of war, and the disagreement ended. A day later, the Sixth Era came to a close.

7th Era[]

During the Seventh Era, Gym founded the city of Saigon, in southern Vietnam. He was not very active during this era, but developed a Palace, a Zoo, a Café, and a few houses. No other players lived in the city with him. His town disappeared with the rest of the server when ReborneLogik closed the server after the Seventh Era.

8th Era[]

GymSock17 returned to the server at the start of the Eighth Era, once again founding the city of Saigon, on the 1st of May, 2021, in the same area, just north of the Mekong Delta. Work began on a massive Palace, and the first building, the Crafting Hall, was finished after a couple days of work. He was determined to make a city far larger, prettier, and grandiose than the one of the Seventh Era. He also his own nation for the first time: the Republic of Vietnam.

During this Era, the Saigon was not a Jungle, but a Swamp. Slime Cubes were commonplace threats along with all of the other creatures that roam at night. However, Slimes were not as common for other players, since most did not live in or near swamps themselves. Slime became a cash crop for Saigon to get itself off the ground and fund claims.

With the help of his friends like YellowVictini and ScorchBound, Saigon began to grow quickly, becoming a hub of activity in Eastern Asia.

9th Era[]

In the Ninth Era, Gym founded the city of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. He joined the Holy Roman Empire, where he became Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic. During the first few months of the Era, Gym was very active within the HRE, being one of its leading and most active members.

After the HRE was disbanded and many of its followers moved to form the United States of America, Gym remained alone in Europe. Gym and the town of Amsterdam were largely dormant for the remainder of the Era.

10th Era[]

In the Tenth Era, GymSock17 would initially settle down in a town called Jefferson, his first town in North America which was located in the real world's area of Portland, Oregon United States. Gym had wanted to make a town in North America for some time and decided to join the United Commonwealth of America due to its large population and vast claims. He and Scorchbound carved out a clearing in the forest and managed to build a few a couple buildings and a railyard. However, personal matters in the real world prevented Gym and Scorch from devoting time to Jefferson. After the UCA and France formed the Atlantic Commonwealth, much of the former UCA moved to France to consolidate their assets. Jefferson was left isolated. Gym returned to the server after some weeks and decided to dissolve Jefferson and move to Avenirin.

Facts about GymSock17[]

  • GymSock17 has played Minecraft in August 2013.
  • Many players who have joined the server over the years are people who GymSock17 knows personally. This list includes but is not limited to:
  • The only player GymSock17 has first met on the server and then in-person is Dracnoian.
2015-07-01 11.04

GymSock17 building roads on Rhodes. (Ironic right?)


GymSock17 doesn't look for enemies, he tries to make friends with everyone, even if he doesn't necessarily like how they act towards others. He has many people on the game who he considers a friend. or at least in good acquaintances with. Here is a list of those people:














