MinecraftPlanetEarth Wiki
Ilia bro

Ilia's current skin, presumably Thor.

Ilia Bro, styilized as "ilia_bro" was the founder, primary funder and owner of Minecraft Planet Earth between the First and Third Eras.

Little was known about Ilia, as he usually only logged on the server once a month to check in on things.


Ilia founded the server around December of 2013, although it's possible that the server had existed even earlier than that. Shortly after its founding, justin_393 and Chamender3 joined, and were promoted to staff by Ilia shortly after.

When Ilia proposed the idea of shutting down the server due to low popularity, Justin and Cham stepped in, and volunteered to manage the server while Ilia funded it if donation goals were not met.


ilia_bro with 2 other players, possibly taken on MCPE