The North American Union (NAU) was a town created by LovingPopTarts on 16 July 2021, during the Eighth Era. The town was located in the El Paso Valley, east of the Rio Grande. It had four outposts: one in El Paso, one in Los Angeles, one in Antarctica, and a final one that's location has been forgotten.
The NAU was also the capital of the North American Union, a nation that shared the town's name. The nation was founded on 21 July 2021. The NAU was a part of the Heulix Alliance.
The North American Union town was founded on 16 July 2021, and the nation on 21 July 2021. Immediately after becoming a nation, a player named chichojava, whom was killed in the Valedux Massacre, brought Brody0727 and LovingPopTarts along to visit Amnem's ruins. He suggested to make New Genos as a town. The town was settled on 22 July, and was fully established on the 24th, with Brody and Loving set up embassies there. New Genos, however, never joined the NAU, but had a very close relationship with it. Insertdeadmeme would officially be the first player to join the nation.
At its peak, the nation had five towns: Romania, Makun, Norht American Union, Baramesa, and Joliette. Baramesa went bankrupt, causing the nation to lose nine members. It was located in the Rhineland, but was eventually griefed with withers, and to this day, there have still been reports of withers flying around. Makun was owned by LatinaSweetie, but left to join Libertalia, with support by LovingPopTarts.
Around November 6, the North American Union was renamed to “Pablo Protektorat Texas.” Even with that, the nation will continue being called the N.A.U.
On 30 August 2021, Mucroz of Madrid and wolverine___ of Alaska went to the El Paso Valley, and around 7:00-8:00 PM EST, layed siege to it, killing Bossman7309, who had only warped over to see what was happening.
The North American Union's offical religon is Pabloism though it is not forced as the Nation has freedom of religon.
The Texan National Crisis and the formation of the Texan Emergency Defense Council[]
The crisis was started when a player named "SuperBeastPro" join Pablo Protektorat Texas in search of colonizing and making a business in southeast Texas. The player was given free stuff from Poptarts varing from enchanted iron to netherite. LovingPopTarts logged offline and found out the next day that the town had been looted. Poptarts belived it was SuperBeast as something like this had happened before but he did not know yet. Superbeast made a town in southeast Texas called "New_Texas" in the southern rio grande near Laredo, which joined the nation. SuperBeast Started to act suspicious by talking about merging the two Texan towns to make a Texan Superpower which could be interperated as SuperBeast trying to take control of El Paso. SuperBeast began to expand New_Texas and cut of the NAU so they couldn't expand more. SuperBeast started to publicly talk about talking over Texas even to LovingPopTarts. New_Texas left a joined the NAU ally "Denmark" (now called North Sea Empire). Evidence was being searched for and LovingPopTarts msg'ed SuperBeast to try to see if he had any clues or if it was him. LovingPopTarts later accused SuperBeast of looting El Paso which is a banable offense. LovingPopTarts renamed the town to Texan_Emergency_Defense_Council and made the council which inculded, LovingPopTarts, AhotCheeto (insertdeadmemehere_1), and Brody. One night SuperBeast made New_Texas leave Denmark and then left the town leaving it to the only other member "BlockNinjaEvan" and then did /suicide and left. It is unknown why SuperBeast did that, was it because he ran out of money, did he not want to be caught, or did he start to belive it was impossible to win, no one knows for sure but he hasn't been online since. The Defense Council was disbanded and the town named changed back to normal. The new major "BlockNinjaEvan" Is much more quiet and nothing is known about what he does, the only thing is that he might have made is a outpost in Brazil north of the border with South Brazil.
SuperBeastPro's Ban[]
LovingPopTarts was playing the server and found out Garrett was online. He asked Garrett to fix the stolen full diamond beacon and a looted sf chest. SuperBeastPro got banned for 3 days. The reason in the chat was "Stealing from your own town".