MinecraftPlanetEarth Wiki

Prussian flag

Prussia is a nation founded by Zqben, Inkthink__, and Mcblopin on 2 May, 2021. Prussia is lead by Zqben, and is a monarchy. It origniates in era 8, in which the wiki begins at the start of the era.

OG Prussia[]

Bavarian war[]

Shortly after the birth of Prussia, it was thrown into a war against Bavaria, which was lead by Stryker01129. Although Prussia had many tactile and supply advantages, Bavaria was assisted by VibinCuh, a well known Dripistan town member. The war went nowhere, as Bavaria was still only a town and not a nation. Zqben soon sued for peace, and afterwards a pact was made with NATO and Athens to prevent further aggression towards Prussia.

The Creation of EU[]

After the Bavarian War, Prussia soon founded The EU. The EU consisted of many nations located in Europe, and was decently powerful.

Pre-War Lastiy Era[]

Prussia first met Lastiy in a not-so-friendly encounter. Lastiy was stabbing a Prussian citizen to death, which led to a small fight between Lastiy, Eric, Vibin, V.S. members of the EU (you could guess how that one went). The EU lost the fight, and shortly after, Prussia would ally with Lastiy, who then joined the EU. From the start, Lastiy began making enemies and attacking anyone, causing a general outrage on the server.

The Great Lastiy Wars[]

Dripistan and Cadmus arrived unannounced on Kiel's (Lastiy's town) doorstep. Kiel brought men, then Dripistan brought men, and tensions quickly began to rise. A short fight broke out, which lead to the American Empire's involvement (due to an American being killed by Kiel in the fight). After some other minor events, Prussia began to think that Lastiy would not be a good ally in the long run. Prussia began working on a secret coalition against Lastiy.

Around this time, Lastiy threatened to leave the EU if Rome was not kicked. Prussia refused to kick Rome, and what followed lead to the dissolvement of the EU. Bavaria left the EU with Lastiy, while the remaining towns stayed. Unfortunately, Bavaria was huge part of the EU, and in the end the EU died.

Not long after, the coalition that had been forming against Lasity launched a huge siege on Kiel. The fighting was intense, and both sides were loosing heavily. Lastiy was able to hold off the attackers for awhile, but it was the world against him and his allies. Soon, it was beginning to look like a victory for the attackers, but then, out of nowhere, ClearDaze joined Lastiy. A last stand from Kiel began, and Kiel was victorious.

After Kiel's victory over the Anti-Lastiy Coalition, minor conflicts kept popping up, but nothing on the scale of the siege of Kiel. As time went on, players in Bavaria would begin to leave the town, Stryker. Lastiy was soon banned, and this chapter of Prussian history came to a close.

Post War[]

Kiel fell, and Prussia claimed it. After putting so much supply and effort into the war, Prussia finally got a break. Prussians began to work on construction, diplomatic relations, and expansion. A new era for Prussia began as it sought to further its claims in central Europe.

Expansion Era[]

Prussia's capital finally had expanded enough to have claims over its historical counterpart's territory. It would also form many colonies in other parts of the world. One of its long time allies, Athens, would even join the nation, furthering Prussia's control in europe. Prussia had even gotten Britain to join them, and newfoundland. It began expanding its slimefun production. And thus, everything began to fall...

Downfall of Prussia[]

The downfall of Prussia began with inactivity nationwide. Most players quit the server, or just stopped playing, few people were online. Then, Dripistan began making war plans with Prussia (discovered by spies). It was a cold war type gap, and then Dripistan declared war on Prussia. Zqben had already been demoralized to the end, as Thomas, and Smqne left the nation. The only defenders were Wormy, Kraxiel, and Zqben, which Kraxiel and Zqben couldn't do anything, due tue the fact that the prussian capital was peaceful. Zqben then merged with the nation South America, which sealed the downfall of prussia.

Post downfall[]

Zqben and Kraxiel were the only active members of the now town, and they were merely apart of a random nation. They hopped between different natoins, ending with Latinum (new valedux). Zqben, then had a hope to create a new nation, to restart. Kraxiel abandoned Prussia, a stab in the heart to Zqben. Zqben then began forming relations with the nations Upper-Peninsula, and Spain. They encouraged him, and he reformed Prussia, but it had a new name, the German_Empire.

German Empire, A new beginning[]

Prussia, was no longer Prussia, it was Germany. Germany began making alliances official, like the Central powers, which formally involved Greater India, Spanish Empire, Russian Empire, and Austria. It also had brought back some players, like Djgames, or McBlopin, who had not played since the early days of Prussia. Germany was growing at a steady and peaceful pace, but then, SnekySniper backstabbed Zqben. Zqben finally had snapped over all of the people who had backstabbed him.

Terrorism Starts[]

Germany began a campaign of terrorism, sweeping through and slaughtering anyone in their path. They eventually came upon a player known as ExpertRellic, who blew up 2 German ships. Zqben, angered, began threatening Expert, and Libertalia , who had let expert into their faction. Tensions began to rise, and war was inevitable.

Kaiserreich's not so great war[]

Liberty had declared war, on October 1, a Friday noon. Nobody in Germany was ready, or expected this. Germany tried to rally men to fight, but it was hopeless. Most of the nation had something going on, or couldn't make it. Inkthink__, Zqben, Bossman, and AdBoy were the only ones able to make it and defend. They were fighting a war that they were bound to lose, due to the fact that Libertalia, had acquired a large sum of infinity (from duped materials), and had about twice the people that Germany had. Germany lost. Those that had stuck with Germany after the war, began flooding into the Nation Sol Inferna or joined the United Federation.

Sol Inferna[]

During the Sol-Inferna / Ares days, not much happened. They started rebuilding, and expanding the slimefun production. Eventually Lastiy joined back for a short time, but he got banned once again. Before he was banned, Zqben and Lastiy went on a campaign of killing and griefing. The waves were going soft, as their enemy Libertalia had begun to die. They had began resuplying their removed infinity, until the admins found out that Kraxiel had duped, wiping all of their infinity. Libertalia was no longer a threat, and not much happened, until the admins found out that Kraxiel had used duped materials to grief Prussia. After a while, the admin Draconian had rolled back the entirety of Prussia, which had earlier been a crater. Zqben held a vote to reform prussia, and it won in a landslide. Prussia, had been restored, Sol Inferna, was gone.

The New Kingdom of Prussia[]


Prussia was back, Zqben began reforming the nation into an empire. Expansion continued, and Prussia continued to grow in members. Prussia then decided to form an alliance, one that was based off of the old EU. They had formed the Hells alliance. Eventually, a few nations decided to join the alliance. Some of those nations were the United Federation, Denmark, Austria, and Hyperborea. Prussia also had an influx of members and towns. Some of those towns were Yamashin_Empire (which was eventually turned into a puppet due to member cramming), Lockingham and siberia (also turned into a puppet nation for the same reasons). The member count was good, and Zqben formed the prussian army, even going on propaganda campaigns.

Scandinavian-NorthSea Empire war[]

After a while of continuing, a threat arrived on Mcpe. A coalition of toxic players had joined and formed a nation in Crypt0bytes claimed land. Zqben and Crypt0byte arrived in the new town, and were treated with toxicity, so Crypt0byte slaughtered them. Tensions rose, as the scandinavians had also gone after players like swagxen and Brody08, which ended up angering them and many other players as well. and in the end angered Garret, resulting in the banning of some members, and Crypt0byte ened up circle claiming the Scandinavians. The scandinavians, in stead of warring, retaliated by putting a large sized claim in the middle of Denmark, which gave Crypt0byte a war reason. Prussia began to prepare. Crypt0byte finally declared war on scandinavia, and Prussian forces waited in a line for about an hour, before Justin, the server owner, finally arived and deleted Scandinavia, due to them not showing up to war, when even provoking it.

PRussian Army line

The fall of the Overseas Empire[]

Not much happened right after the Scandinavian war, but soon, Zqben would Threaten war with Bossman if he did not agree to certain terms. Since Bossman didn't like those terms, he decided to delete his town and nation and quit the server, although Bossman would soon rejoin the nation. Prussia had grown to around what it had used to be, with around 70 members, and a functioning government. But then, Garret made it a rule, where nations could not have puppet states, and could only have 1 ally. This set panick in Prussia, as they had many Puppet states, because they could basically do server tax evasion with puppets. Zqben made the executive descision, during the panick, to move everyone to Germany, as he no longer wanted an oversea empire, and wanted to limit the population on his nation. Following this decision, high ranking officials in Prussia such as Joereg, and Lord remy had chosen to leave Prussia, and form their own nations. This had brought Prussia's member count down significantly, but this didn't change the fact that they were powerful. Although tensions were rising between some nations.

HOmeland Screenshot

Screenshot of Prussia right after the fall. Everything in black is prussian, north of that is the Danish Empire

The Dull Era[]

Prussian Big wall

Prussia During the dull and HRE era. You can see the big wall outline in this image

The dull era of Prussia was a significantly long era, and lasted a while. Nothing much happened, towns expanded, and Prussia expanded it's slimefun lab. Zqben had built a wall that stretched across the entirety of the Prussian Vaterland. During this time, Valedux had reappeared on the server. Prussia had been impacted by the Fall, as they could no longer have more than one ally. Nothing would happen, tensions between nations here and their, but nothing would go past conversations. But then, a blow, just like before, had hit Prussia. It's valued members, the members that were so important to Prussia during the time, had left to create their own nation, known as Oceania. Some of these members included Goot, Hoper, LegenderyOtter, and OddFlor. This had given a wake up call to Zqben, and Zqben began to try and regroup his nation.

Holy Prussian Empire[]

Like usual, Zqben had slightly changed the name of the nation after a big event. This nation change went to the "Holy Prussian Empire," believed by Zqben as a middle ground for extreme and people who didn't want change. Zqben began messaging people, and recruiting for Prussia. Members like SevenKeyLime had agreed to take up the torch as the sf leader. Zqben also began to try and repulse the crippled activity, which somewhat worked. Then, a great blow to Prussia hit, the nation of India had basically fallen, as Bossman was temporarily banned. In the panic of India, Zqben had began to try to recruit the old Indians, and they had a somewhat respect for Prussia. It had worked, ZeroPurse and Riptip joined. Eventually, even Bossman joined. Although this may seem like a negative thing to some MCPE players, this was great for Zqben, as now he could feel safer in Prussia, without the looming threat of the north and goot's new nation. As the Indians had been very poor in gear but very rich in money, Zqben began doing gear checks, and gearing up people for what may lay in the future.