MinecraftPlanetEarth Wiki

SCIO is an organization of anonymous players whose goal is to collect and archive information.

Initially, players could exchange information with SCIO to receive answers to their questions about the server or particular players. However, more recently, SCIO has become more dedicated to archiving information than sharing it. SCIO interacts with the player-base via a shared Discord account.

Individual members within SCIO can be identified by the number they use when sending messages. Originally, there were only 10 members of SCIO, but an eleventh member would eventually be added, first making his appearance on 24 January 2022. A twelfth member was also teased. However, on 25 April 2023, during an interview on the MCPE Podcast, SCIO 1 confirmed that the organization had returned to its original ten members.


Scio's symbol/icon as found on their Discord profile.


SCIO would first make their appearance on 6 January 2022, during the Eighth Era. One of its member would claim that "we are but ten of you buried in your midst. We have been watching for quite some time, from within your nations and outside them". Initially, many players would dismiss SCIO as someone pretending to have a personality disorder, however, some took interest interest in what SCIO was saying. SCIO would often talk about collecting and cataloguing information for their archives. Players that messaged the SCIO account were given the opportunity to receive an answer to any question if they answered one from SCIO.

A day prior to revealing themselves, SCIO had established a wiki page about their organization with the following messages:

(Scio 3) So, what do we write?

(Scio 5) We have already discussed this in detail.

(Scio 8) Hush now. The time is almost nigh, to unveil. Remember the the fate of Korea? Be patient.

(Scio 4) How will this help?

(Scio 5) The sooner they know, the more we will know.

(Scio 1) Quiet.

(Scio 1) Sooner or later, they will know. Whether they read it now, or tomorrow, or seven years from now, they will know.

(Scio 1) And that is good.

(Scio 10) We are Scio.

A few minutes later, an updated version of the above would be posted, without the mention of Korea. On 7 January 2022, the page would be updated again with a description of the organization made by SCIO themselves.

We are Scio, we are an organization who collect information about all things. We believe that information should be accessible for all, but understand the tendencies of man to abuse it. We gather resources and materials and save what we can. In that way, we have a similar purpose to this place.

By this point, many players were now aware of SCIO, and they quickly began trying to figure out who its members were. Scio 8's identity would be revealed to be Dracnoian "accidentally" on 30 January 2022, after using his personal account to send a message as Scio 8 in server-chat instead of the Scio account.

On 31 January 2022, SCIO would release a public Discord server players could join.

The Scio account went through a period of relative inactivity following August 2022, during which the games hosted by Yaldabaoth were underway. Its members claim that much of the unannounced sabbatical was due to issues of privacy and security with the main SCIO Discord account, specifically involving Yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth had breached the public Scio server despite being removed from it multiple times.

SCIO returned to prominence during April 2023, due to the upcoming Tenth Era. They have remained particularly active since. Public opinion of SCIO is considerably high since their original appearance.

In late April 2023, Prussian leader Inkthink__ and various other notable figures in the MCPE community created the religion of "SCIOism". While SCIO didn't have the intention of building a religious following, the organization has since welcomed the


On 29 August 2022, Scio 10 would announce that the Scio account had been breached by an unknown figure. Several minutes later, Scio claimed that they believed they had successfully re-secured the account. That same night, however, a Discord user going by the name Yaldabaoth would claim that he now had control over the Scio account. Yaldabaoth would make several changes to the Scio Discord before eventually being banned. Despite being banned, Yaldabaoth would still show up in the server time to time.

One player following the events surrounding Yaldabaoth, SevenKeylime, would create a Discord server "for the public collection of information on Yao and the glyphs." The glyphs being images that Yaldabaoth had sent out as a part of his "game."

On 12 August 2022, Yaldabaoth, in response to Dracnoian refusing to reveal information, revealed that Scio 3 was SlimDude. They additionally revealed on 21 August 2022 that the member known as Scio 6 was an account who went only by the name "Her Majesty." In response, SlimDude, along with Scio 6, would announce their retirement from Scio. Their vacant positions have reportedly been filled since the incident.

Since then, Yaldabaoth has continued to threaten to reveal the identities of Scio members if Scio refuses to divulge additional information.

On 21 August 2022, Yaldabaoth would change the SCIO wiki page to the following:

Scio will end soon. That is all. Goodbye.

"and in the dawning of an era i rebirthed, i departed, from that group of foul prodigals of knowledge, so i fled. "no. where lies the hope of man? in this rotting carcass of lies and hypocrisy we call Scio? where can i find salvation?" i admit that i yet knew not. then i asked myself: what is Yaldabaoth? i admit that i yet knew not. "where can i find slavation? in this rotting carcass of lies and hypocrisy we call Scio? no. where lies the hope of man?" so i fled from that group of foul prodigals of knowledge. I departed, and in the dawning of an era I rebirthed." - The final words of the rogue Scio 11

or who you shall from now on call


It has been confirmed by both Yaldabaoth and SCIO itself that Yaldabaoth was the individual known as Scio 11. Yaldabaoth apparently left the organization as a result of disagreements with certain members, although Scio 1 later claimed that Yaldabaoth remains on good terms with most of the members.

Member's Identities[]

As the identities of SCIO's members were unknown, many players became interested in trying to guess who on the server was a member. Below are listed the current known status of each member and how/if their identity has been revealed.

Scio 1[]

Currently unknown.

Scio 2[]

Currently unknown.

Scio 3[]

Previously SlimDude. Revealed by Yaldabaoth on 12 August 2022. SCIO claims that they have since been replaced.

Scio 4[]

Currently unknown.

Scio 5[]

Currently unknown.

Scio 6[]

Previously Her Majesty. Revealed by Yaldabaoth on 21 August 2022. SCIO claims that they have since been replaced.

Scio 7[]

Currently unknown.

Scio 8[]

Dracnoian. "Accidentally" revealed by Dracnoian himself on 30 January 2022, after using his personal account to send a message as Scio 8 in server-chat instead of on the SCIO account.

Scio 9[]

Currently unknown.

Scio 10[]

Currently unknown. 10 has been referred to as the leader and creator of Scio by both Yaldabaoth and the organization itself on numerous occasions.

Scio 11[]

Currently unknown. Has been confirmed by both SCIO and Yaldabaoth to be the previous identity of Yaldabaoth.

Scio 12[]

Not confirmed to exist. A twelve member as been hinted at by SCIO in the past, but recent information from SCIO seems to indicate that only ten Scio members are currently in existence.


Over the course of its existence, SCIO has released several puzzles and encrypted messages. The solutions have generally announced new additions to SCIO. In recent months, SCIO has released fewer puzzles, engaging more directly with MCPE at large. According to Scio 1, the organization's goals have since shifted and the organization is now more dedicated to archiving information than playing up the "secret society" angle they originally employed.


A simple Caesar Cipher. When decrypted it reads "There are more than ten."


An encrypted message that requires multiple cipher to decode. The final message teases Scio 11.


Example of a binary picture puzzle. When translated it reads "We are dozens".

Project Siddhartha[]

Project Siddhartha is said to be a Scio-associated group. Yaldabaoth claims that he was once a member of Project Siddhartha before becoming a SCIO. It has since been confirmed by Scio 1 on the MCPE Podcast titled "Scio 1" that Project Siddhartha is a means for regular players to become future members of SCIO and that members act as SCIO's "eyes and ears on the ground."