Servilia was a continent during the 7th Era, serving as its smallest by area and lowest-population. The continent was created by Garrett to serve as a home for Administrators were disallowed to join or participate in towns, and so the continent became the home of people such as Admins Justin, Reborne, and Dracnoian, as well as the Moderator JustBecuase and Garrett himself. It was the only landmass to have been spared from colonization from outside powers, and the only to have been ruled by a single nation.
The continent was surrounded on all sides by the Pacific Ocean, and was made up of the mainland of Servilia and four additional islands of Cammens, Justina, Gummarum, and Garrens. In the east of the landmass could be found the Gulf of Justin and Gulf of Garrett, and contained within the continent is the Sea of Reborne.
Servilia largely laid within a temperate zone and thus experienced favored climatic conditions, with plains and forests covering a majority of the northern and central regions of the landmass. The south of the mainland was tundra, and experienced weather similar to that of Antarctica. The island of Cammens experienced a climate similar to that northern Servilia.
Servilia was spared colonization from outside nations due to Administrator protection, and was controlled entirely by a single state, known as the Res Publica Servilia. The continent also served as a religious center for the Administ religion practiced by most Romans, as it was considered sacred for being a home on Earth for the Administrators.
The name Servilia was conceived by Dracnoian and Garrett during a discussion on the creation of the continent. The name was taken from a Latin word of the same name, which derives from the older word "Servio", meaning to "serve", "be a servant", or "devote oneself". The name was selected to that Garrett may say that the Administrators had become his servants, however, the name would take many meanings after the fact, such as in the Administ religion.
Servilia was a continent defined by its creation and habitation by the Administrators. The continent was first conceived in the early stages of server development, when the Earth was still being made, as a place for Administrators and Staff to settle when it was decided they would be forbidden from joining towns or participating in politics. The continent was designed by Garrett in accordance with the wishes of the Administrators.
When the server was released, the first individual to reach the continent was Dracnoian. A small settlement was established in the northern peninsula, consisting of two orchards, and a villa. In approximately late October to early November,