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The religion of Spy Crab was founded by dlindquist in Vienna at the beginning of the Seventh Era.


Spy Crabists believe that their Lord the Spy Crab is a supreme being that must be worshiped. It demands its members to find any way possible to praise and appease the Spy Crab. The sea and the creatures within it, especially turtles, are considered holy, as they are apart of Spy Crab's domain. Worshipers will often build structures or designate land as offerings, believing it to appease their lord.

They believe that Spy Crab came to earth as the Holy Turtle and quite possibly all turtles today are his descendants. Why exactly Spy Crab chose the form of a turtle and what purpose he had is not known to outsiders.



There must be regular sacrifices of creatures to Spy Crab. Generally this involved casting chickens or other animals into lava, though other sacrificial methods have been acceptable. The sacrifices are usually carried out in a temple made out of the finest stone and prismarine. All temples include an image of the Holy Turtle, as it is believed to be sent to earth by Spy Crab and is his physical form.


Prayer to Spy Crab is rare, but on occasion has been done to appease the lord. Prayer may be done anywhere but is usually made in a temple.