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The Kingdom of Maine was a town created by colorking on 15 July 2022, during the Ninth Era. The town had a few houses, an official flag, wheat, potato, sheep, cow, chicken, and mob farms, as well as the ability to brew potions and other drinks, such as vodka.


Migration to Maine[]

On 15 July 2022, after accepting an ultimatum from Byzant77, colorking and his town members (originally just colorking, Ohgizmo, Thanoskid, and EnderMelon817) moved to Maine to build a new settlement there. It would the first official British refugee nation, after leaving London to ruin.

A day later, new players began joining Maine, including cpark_, floorballer, and others. Around this time, 21bt would officially gain permission to open a restaurant in Maine. Soon after, Ohgizmo asked colorking to expand the town, which he did.

First Election[]

On 18 July 2022, Byzant told colorking about the possibility of Ohgizmo attempting a coup against him, and that to solidify his position, he should start holding elections in Maine. Byzant also recommended that colorking start a war campaign against the Romanian colonies in America as a preventative measure. Because he felt it was the right thing to do, colorking immediately held elections for the position of prime minister, but decided against fighting Romania. Colorking would start a new Discord server, in which he got Ohgizmo and DrkDestiny to sign up as candidates for the election. One person, EnderMelon817, voted for Ohgizmo. and after colorking and everyone else in the town did not vote, Ohgizmo was declared prime minister.

The Brewing Increase[]

On July 20 2022, colorking found a nether fortress and killed some of the blazes there, allowing him to start brewing potions. After collecting the necessary resources, colorking began brewing all kinds of potions. Around this time, Junkoooo would join Maine and use his brewing skills to make vodka and other alcoholic drinks.

The Chicken Coop Lightning Strike[]

In July 22, 2022, the chicken coop was struck by lightning, killing at least 20 chickens. This phenomenon was strange because there was no rain and it did seem like there was any thunder. However, thanks to the enormous wheat seed supply of the town, it was very easy to bring the chicken population back to what it was before.

July 22 Meetup[]

On July 22 2022, Byzant77 and Bossman met up with colorking in Maine. Bossman reminisced about the old times of the Tibetian Empire with him, and colorking shared with Bossman his story regarding the city of London and the migration to Maine, in which Bossman became disgusted with Byzant's choices.

The Vienna Conference[]


The colonial claims of every town at the Vienna Conference

On July 23 2022, the towns of Maine, Austria, the Karguen Islands, Gotland, the Netherlands, and Sicily met together in Vienna to divide up Africa. In the meeting, the Holy Roman Empire managed to receive parts of Egypt, the rough area of Nigeria, South Africa, southern Morrocco, the coasts of Algeria and Libya, and other parts of Southern Africa. Maine only received the Egyptian desert and part of the coast of Angola, which was significantly less than they expecting. Ohgizmo, the prime minster at the time, became angry over the unbalanced distribution, but he was unable to persuade anyone at the conference that Maine deserved more land. The reason given was that Maine was not powerful enough to exert control over a large number of claims.

With what claims Maine was given, a few days later, colorking started creating colonies in African. He would continue to build up these colonies and use them to create a market sto get the money back from their investment, including their original colony on the Colorado River set up by Ohgizmo, called Gizmoland. Gizmoland focused on iron and gold mining, the Egyptian colony was based around architecture, and the Angolan colony held the first market built by Maine.

The Raids on Maine[]

On July 24 2022, it was discovered that the wall that kept Maine's sheep enclosed had been destroyed. Further investigation found a sign stating that one of Maine's wolves had been slain. The culprit had also raided Ohgizmo's ship. No one could figure out exactly who had done these things and so the town started to repair the damage. However, around five days later, another raid occurred.