MinecraftPlanetEarth Wiki

A small town near the edge of Europe, who one day, wants to be the biggest villager city ever!

Formed after the falling of Puerto Rico, the village has been on a long journey, originally being near Nexus before Nexus claim blocked us. We then decided to move to around turkey, but that failed also. We now have found our permanent spot in Russia.

We offer many trades for others from carrots to sharpness V, and this keeps our village in a good state with no chance of economic collapse.

We plan on making a nation called the union of villagers, but this is just a dream.

We aim to create a more countryside like town instead of the more common, city style. We have a few cities and towns placed across our claims.


Capital: Villager City

Major Industrial Centre: Unbuilt

Farming Center: Under Construction

Airport: Under Construction

More Towns and Roads: Under Construction

11th of October Temple: Unbuilt


-The Village Mayor (Scary_Pig2000)