MinecraftPlanetEarth Wiki

The Religion[]

Trees, or Treeism is a 6th and 7th era peaceful religion created and worshipped by Tree42.


Worshippers of Trees believe that everything should look natural with green life everywhere instead of grey buildings and industrialisation deforesting large areas. Trees is more of an ideology that sets guidelines on the nature of urban areas than it is an actual religion, although it is one of the most worshipped religions.


Tree42 and Ierasmos are worshippers of Trees, the latter of which has built a church for the religion.


He joined the religion and built a church. After a while of being in the religion he was rewarded the role of priest for his religion. Later when he was trying to check who was in the religion it only showed Tree. God had abandonded him. With nowhere to turn he belived in himself and became an atheist leaving the religion forever