Turin_Turambar_, also known as Turin, was an idiot who joined at the latter stage of the Ninth Era. His first endeavor was to create Ukraine, with the help of CaTheEldest he founded it, but it spectacularly fell 2 weeks after claiming Crimea. This, however, did not deter him and ca, so they made it again this time settling in Kyiv and the D'niper River. Later on Turin purchased two goat horns from Elorus(or Elorun as he called him) and proceeded to torment Elorus for half an hour with those horns. He then got bored of Kyiv and claimed he would make Numenor after discovering his love for the lord of the rings. He didn't finish building the island nation. "I really suck at pvp" - Turin addressing his pvp skills
Later during Era 10 He joined and decided to create The Kingdom of Judah, with Ca making the Kingdom of Israel, together being the Reunited Kingdom. Turin then got bored of it literally like a week later and decided to make a town in Lviv, Ivano-frankivsk, and Zakarpattya. With the help of Glow Berries and Ca again he managed to create a town in these three provinces after facing invasion by R3dskull the absolute shithead asshole, he signed a treaty of non-aggression which R3dskull immediately broke. Turin then quit the server. Later getting banned by his new username of Arcoteuthis for I still don't know what